Simple Tips to Make Soap

Learning how to make soap using the cold process is incredibly rewarding.  Not only will you feel a sense of accomplishment once you have made your first batch successfully, but you will also be able to use the fruits of your labour.  Since you will be using the cold process, you will be creating your soap completely from scratch.  It is a great feeling to be able to take a handful of totally unrelated items and create something new with them.

Safety is of the utmost importance.  You will be using sodium hydroxide, or lye, which will cause chemical burns if it comes in contact with your skin.  Be sure to wear goggles that completely seal around the face and rubber gloves.  Long sleeves and an apron are also a good idea.  Do not make soap when children or pets are around.  

Follow these simple tips to make soap:
  1. In a glass bowl, add lye to distilled water mixing slowly.
  2. Melt your oils in a stainless steel pot.
  3. When the temperatures of the oils and the lye water are right, pour the lye water into the oils. This will create the soap mix.
  4. Stir the soap mix thoroughly until it reaches "trace".
  5. Once the soap mix reaches trace, add the essential oils or fragrances called for by the recipe.
  6. Stir the soap mix and pour it into the soap molds.
  7. Cover the molds with towels and let them set for twenty-four to forty-eight hours.
  8. After the soap has solidified, remove the soap from the mold.
  9. Allow the soap to cure for four to six weeks.
Once You these simple tips, You Won't Go Back. Soon you will be customizing your soap just like we did in this clip.

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